Presse Universitaire de France, novembre 2015
Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, Guillaume Arnould
Economie de la mondialisation
De Boeck Supérieur, octobre 2015
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Pascal Le Merrer, avec la collaboration de Deniz Ünal
L'Afrique pour les nuls
First, octobre 2015
Jean-Joseph Boillot, Rahmane Idrissa
Blablabanque. Le discours de l'inaction
Michalon, septembre 2015
Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran
Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics: Theories, Applications and Policies
Academic Press, p.362, juillet 2015
Cristina Terra
Statistique et probabilités en économie-gestion
Dunod, 2015
Christophe Hurlin, Valérie Mignon

In Crises et régulation bancaires – Les cheminements de l’instabilité et de la stabilité bancaires (sous la dir. de Hubert Bonin et Jean-Marc Figuet (En hommage à Dominique Lacoue-Labarthe), Droz, décembre 2015
Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran
Networks and Structural Integration in Global Value Chains
In The Age of Global Value Chains: Maps and Policy Issues, Centre for Economic Policy Research, p.69-84, juillet 2015
Gianluca Santoni, Daria Taglioni
The Power of the Few in Determining Trade Accelerations and Slowdowns
In The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal?, Centre for Economic Policy Research, juin 2015
Gianluca Santoni, Daria Taglioni, Guillaume Gaulier, Soledad Zignago
Do FDI in Business Services Affect Firms' TFP? Evidence from Italian Provinces
In Geographical Labor Market Imbalances. Recent Explanations and Cures, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p.195-217, 2015
Gianluca Santoni, Massimo Armenise, Giorgia Giovannetti
Climate Clubs and Cop21: Foes Or Allies?
In Moving the trillions, a debate on the positive pricing of mitigation actions., 2015
Etienne Espagne
The low carbon transition between the animal spirits of finance and the fault lines of the world economy
In Moving the trillions, a debate on the positive pricing of mitigation actions., 2015
Jean-Charles Hourcade, Michel Aglietta, Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Etienne Espagne
A comparison of the Fed's and ECB's strategies during the subprime crisis
In Monetary policy in the context of the financial crisis:new challenges and lessons, Emerald, 2015
Marcel Aloy, Gilles Dufrénot