The Elusive Impact of Investing Abroad for Japanese Parent Firms: Can Disaggregation According to FDI Motives Help?
Laura Hering
Tomohiko Inui
Sandra Poncet
Laura Hering
Tomohiko Inui
Sandra Poncet

In the present paper, we investigate whether previous findings of limited effects of investing abroad on the firm’s performance can be explained by the aggregation of heterogeneous effects depending on the FDI motives, sectors and locations. Results suggest, in line with previous work, that on average Japanese outward FDI has limited effects (whether positive or negative) on the activity of internationalizing firms. Fears of “Hollowing out” effects seem to be more justified in the case of FDI to low income countries, for which a contraction of employment and investment and exports is observed. By contrast, we observe a significant positive employment effect for FDI in services, presumably reflecting the operational complementarities between the affiliate and the parent. There is also some evidence of positive labour productivity gains deriving essentially from FDI in manufacturing in high GDP countries.
