CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Sandra Poncet

Research Associate

Emerging Countries




updated : June 16, 2021
Complexité économique et croissance : une application au cas chinois
Revue Economique, vol. 64(3), p.495-503, 2013
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar

Essor, déclin et renouveau de l’interventionnisme économique
Le Blog du CEPII, Facts & Figures, December 14, 2012
Sandra Poncet

Exchange Rate Volatility, Financial Constraints and Trade: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Firms
CEPII Working Paper, N°2012-35, December 2012
Jérôme HéricourtSandra Poncet

Pour que la montée en gamme profite à la croissance des émergents
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, November 30, 2012
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar

Product relatedness and firm exports in China
CEPII Working Paper, N°2012-27, October 2012
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar

Export upgrading and growth: the prerequisite of domestic embeddedness
CEPII Working Paper, N°2012-26, October 2012
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar

Product-Level Relatedness
The CEPII Newsletter, N°50, June 2012
Sandra Poncet

Product Relatedness and Firm Exports in China
The CEPII Newsletter, N°50, June 2012
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar

Export sophistication and economic performance: evidence from Chinese provinces
Journal of Development Economics, N°97, p.281-292, 2012
Sandra Poncet, Joachim Jarreau

Heterogeneous export spillovers to Chinese domestic firms: the role of the difficulty to enter the destination market
In Firms in the International Economy, N°Accepté, Beugelsdijk and Brakman., 2012
Sandra Poncet, Florian Mayneris

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