Le blog du CEPII

Volatility and uncertainty are not the same!

 PostMay 4, 2015
By Valérie Mignon, Marc Joëts, Tovonony Razafindrabe
Crude oil price volatility is often viewed as reflecting uncertainty not only related to the oil market, but also to the global macroeconomic environment. However, the question arises as to whether uncertainty is not likely to be at play without generating high volatility on the oil market.

Back to the Great Moderation?

 PostApril 30, 2015
By Stéphane Lhuissier
Following the largest financial shock since the Great Depression, modern industrial countries appear to be coming back to a moderate growth trajectory, as was the case for the last three decades.

Schengen : passoire ou passerelle ?

 PostApril 24, 2015
By Daniel Mirza
Souvent décriés dans le débat politique français, les accords de Schengen, qui facilitent la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre en Europe, renforcent l’intégration européenne. De ce fait, leur impact économique n’est pas négligeable.

Europe is trapped by its competitiveness obsession

 PostApril 22, 2015
By Sébastien Jean
While European external surpluses are accumulating and domestic demand is slacking, insisting on improving the Union’s external competitiveness, as some in the Commission are presently doing, is paradoxical. For Europe, the paramount risk is not losing its competitiveness. It is not recovering cohesion and growth.

QE à l’européenne : comment soutenir l’investissement ?

 PostApril 20, 2015
By Urszula Szczerbowicz, Natacha Valla
La BCE achètera mille milliards d’euros de titres de créance publics et privés d’ici septembre 2016. Ce programme d'assouplissement quantitatif pourrait faciliter le financement des projets d'investissement européens et des activités du secteur privé porteuses de croissance.

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