Le blog du CEPII
Economic Policy

New year, new challenges

 PostJanuary 12, 2024
By Antoine Bouët
The CEPII is looking forward to the new year and the developments it will bring that we hope to be positive. The Government, under whose auspices the CEPII has been operating since 1978, has initiated a thorough review of how to enhance the performance and coordination of the French organisations that conduct economic analysis and policy evaluation.

The 2023 CEPII's Programme of work: focus on shocks and deep transformations of global economy

 PostFebruary 22, 2023
By Antoine Bouët, Christophe Destais, Lionel Fontagné, Thomas Grjebine, Vincent Vicard
This year, the major topics of the CEPII's work programme emerge from the current gloomy context: the energy transition, the resilience of value chains, impacts of geopolitical tensions, the macroeconomic situation marked by new budgetary priorities and the tightening of monetary policies.

Europe after Covid 19: How €750 billion could reboot the EU

 VideoJuly 6, 2020 - In the press
By Anne-Laure Delatte
French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel might well hold the future of Europe in their hands. Or maybe more accurately in their cheque books. Round table with Anne-Laure Delatte, Lorenzo Marsili, Daniel Stelter, and Olaf Wientzek, on France 24 on 30 june 2020.

The "new silk roads": an evaluation essay
(3/4): China as a global player in globalization

 PostApril 29, 2019
By Michel Fouquin, Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière
A review of China's international activity since 2013 is striking first of all by the speed with which it has made China a major player in globalization in terms of both direct investment and lending to developing countries. The Silk Roads project, which is a unique and unconventional project, appears above all as a means of gradually structuring the Chinese vision of globalization, which combines China's long-term economic and strategic interest.

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