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CEPII Country Profiles upgrade

CEPII offers an enhanced version of the Country Profiles ?the online interactive pages elaborated from its own databases? which present the insertion of 80 economies in world trade. These free of use data are provided in the form of didactic illustrations for informational, educational and research purposes.
By Équipe Profils du CEPII / CEPII Profiles team
 Post, November 20, 2019

In this new version, the seven headings of the Country Profiles ? sorted from a global vision of the economy’s international integration to the more and more detailed ones ? have been restructured. Two new headings appear, “Projections” and “Balance & Forex”, while others have been remodelled and enriched:

  • Broad patterns. The evolution, from the 1960s to year to date, of population, GDP, income per capita, openness by sector, the geographical and sectoral structure of the country’s trade (from the CHELEM database data);

  • Projections (new). The evolution of population and GDP to 2050 with its main determinants (contributions to growth of the labour force, capital stock, overall productivity and energy efficiency) as well as the different growth paths by 2100 according to the five alternative climate scenarios (EconMap database);

  • Balance & Forex (new). Current account trends since the 1960s, with detailed data from the 2000s for service and primary income flows (CHELEM database) ; nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s (EQCHANGE database) ; the evolution of the terms of trade since the 2000s (WTFC database);

  • Tariff protection. Custom duties by sector, branch grouping and stage of production (MAcMap-HS6 database);

  • Comparative advantages. The countries’ specialisation as revealed by their comparative advantages in international trade in goods and services since the 1960s (CHELEM database) ;

  • Types & Ranges. The nature of manufactured flows analysed according to the types of trade ? intra-industry trade (new) since the 1960s (based on CHELEM), and at a very detailed product level, one-way and two-way trade (bilateral flows of similar products differentiated in variety or in quality) ? then according to unit values’ ranges (low, medium and high quality/price ranges), since the 2000s (WTFC database);

  • Products & Partners. The distribution of trade by partner countries and by products during the last decade in order to reveal the degree of concentration of the country’s trade (BACI database);

Each illustration is paired with references (the chosen methodology and nomenclatures) which are also available in a Panorama du CEPII. For each of the 80 countries and the aggregate, the data that fed the illustrations are downloadable. Finally, a printable version gathering all illustrations for each country displayed in the 7 headings is at disposal.

Just as many accurate and consistent pieces of information that make it possible to characterise in a synthetic way the insertion of the countries in the world economy, and to make comparisons between the different national profiles. The Regions and World Profiles, complementary to the Country Profiles, will soon be available on the CEPII website.

CEPII Profiles team :

Charlotte Emlinger, Jean Fouré, Matteo Gagliardi, Carl Grekou, Houssein Guimbard, Laurence Nayman, Alix de Saint Vaulry & Deniz Ünal.

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