CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Maria Priscila Ramos

Research Associate

Trade & Globalization
Economic Policy
Emerging Countries
Environment & Natural Resources



Tél. +54 9 11 48 25 96 03


updated : June 28, 2021
New European Union free trade agreements: estimating their effects on agri-food and sustainable development
26 GTAP Conference, 16 June 2023
Cristina MitaritonnaLeysa Maty SallAntoine BouëtMaria Priscila Ramos

Food security and welfare changes under COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and responses in Kenya
Global Food Security, vol. 28(100514), March 2021
Victor Nechifor, Maria Priscila Ramos, Emanuele Ferrari, Joshua Laichena & Evelyne Kihiu & Daniel Omanyo & Rodgers Musamali

Do agri-food market incentives improve food security and nutrition indicators? a microsimulation evaluation for Kenya
Food Security, 2021
Maria Priscila Ramos, Estefania Custodio, Sofia Jimenez, Alfredo Mainar-Causapé & Pierre Boulanger & Emanuele Ferrari

Crimen y configuración urbana: una evaluación de precios de propiedades y bienestar en equilibrio general para la ciudad de Buenos Aires
El Trimestre Económico, vol. 86(342), p.437-466, April 2019
Maria Priscila Ramos, Omar Osvaldo Chisari, Sonia León

Scale, Technique and Composition Effects of CO2 Emissions under Trade Liberalization of EGS: A CGE Evaluation for Argentina
International Journal of Social, Behavioral,Educational, Economic Business and Industrial Engeneering, vol. 4(7), p.1698 - 1702, July 2017
Maria Priscila Ramos, Omar O. Chisari, Juan Pablo Vila Martinez

Efectos distributivos de cambios discrecionales en la política fiscalen Argentina Simulaciones de equilibrio parcial y general
Revista de Economía Política de Buenos Aires, vol. 14(9), p.9-58, November 2015
Maria Priscila Ramos, Darío Rossignolo

The impact of trade liberalization of environmental products on welfare, trade, and the environment in Argentina
Launch of the publication "Trade policies, household welfare and poverty alleviation: Case studies from the Virtual Institute academic network", 7 November 2014
Maria Priscila Ramos

The impact of trade liberalization of environmental products on welfare, trade, and the environment in Argentina
XLIX REUNION ANUAL de la AAEP, 12-14 November 2014
Maria Priscila Ramos

Política Económica, Migraciones y Eficiencia productiva en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Simulaciones con un modelo de equilibrio general computado
Research Report, Instituto de Economía UADE, November 2014
Omar Chisari, Maria Priscila Ramos, Sonia León, Gonzalo Basante & Laura Mastrocello

The impact of trade liberalization of environmental products on welfare, trade, and the environment in Argentina
UNCTAD Virtual Institute Seminar on Trade and Poverty, 8-10 September 2014
Maria Priscila Ramos

The impact of trade liberalization of environmental products on welfare, trade, and the environment in Argentina
UNCTAD Virtual Institute Paper on Trade and Poverty, N°, , p.1-27, September 2014
Maria Priscila Ramos

Trade Liberalization in Environmental Products: What is at stake for Argentina?
Policy Brief on Trade and Poverty - UNCTAD Virtual Institute, N°, , p.4, September 2014
Maria Priscila Ramos

Localización de la Actividad Económica en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Research Report, Instituto de Economía UADE, May 2014
Omar Chisari, Maria Priscila Ramos, Sonia León, Gonzalo Basante & Laura Mastrocello

A general equilibrium, ex-post evaluation of the EU–Chile Free Trade Agreement
Economic Modelling, vol. 41, p.33-45, 2014
Sébastien Jean, Nanno Mulder, Maria Priscila Ramos

MIRAGE-e: A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-39, December 2013
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Maria Priscila Ramos

The Global Economy in 2030: Trends and Strategies for Europe
Research Report, CEPII, November 2013
Daniel Gros, Lionel Fontagné, Carlo Sessa, Paul Zagamé, Maria Priscila Ramos

'The welfare effect of the new wave of protectionism: The case of Argentina’
AAEA-CAES Joint Meeting, 4-6 August 2013
Nicolas Depetris-Chauvin, Maria Priscila Ramos

Trade Liberalization in Environmental Products: who benefits in Argentina, the poor or the non-poor households
UNCTAD Virtual Institute Workshop, 26-28 June 2013
Maria Priscila Ramos

A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
CEPII, December 2012
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Maria Priscila Ramos

'The Welfare Impact of Protectionism in Latin America: Evaluation of Alternative Scenarios'
XLVII Reunion Anual de la Asociacion Argentina de Economia Politica,  November 2012
Maria Priscila Ramos, Nicolas Depetris Chauvin

'Welfare Impact of Protectionism in Latin America: Evaluation of Alternative Scenarios'
Global Trade Alert -Latin American Trade Network (GTA-LATN) Conference, 26 August 2012
Maria Priscila Ramos, Nicolas Depetris Chauvin

'A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the Word Economy'
15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 27 June 2012
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Maria Priscila Ramos

'The EU-Chile free trade agreement: A general-equilibrium, ex-post assessment'
IV Encuentro Regional sobre Modelos de Equilibrio General Computable (EGC), 19 April 2012
Sébastien JeanMaria Priscila Ramos, Nanno Mulder

Sensitive products in the Doha negotiations: The case of European and Japanese market access
Economic Modelling, vol. 28(6), p.2395-2403, November 2011
Christophe GouelCristina MitaritonnaMaria Priscila Ramos

The Art of Exceptions: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-20, October 2010
Christophe GouelCristina MitaritonnaMaria Priscila Ramos

The Art of Exceptions: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
III Encuentro Regional sobre Modelos de Equilibrio General Computable (EGC), 2-3 September 2010
Christophe GouelCristina MitaritonnaMaria Priscila Ramos

The Art of Exceptions: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
Workshop CEPII-PSE « Trade Policy Analysis », 6 July 2010
Christophe GouelCristina MitaritonnaMaria Priscila Ramos

Trade composition effects of the EU tariff structure: beef imports from Mercosur
European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 37(1), p.1-26, March 2010
Maria Priscila RamosJean-Christophe Bureau, Luca Salvatici

The Art of Exceptions: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 10-12 June 2009
Christophe GouelMaria Priscila Ramos

The Art of Exception: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
The CEPII Newsletter, N°40, March 2009
Christophe GouelMaria Priscila Ramos

Trade Liberalization in Environmentally Preferable Products
2008 LACEA/LAMES Joint Conference, 20-22 November 2008
Estelle Gozlan, Maria Priscila Ramos

Bilateral Agreements: How the EU is Widening its Trade Horizons
La Lettre du CEPII, N°281, September 2008
Houssein GuimbardMaria Priscila Ramos

Accords bilatéraux : comment l'UE élargit ses horizons commerciaux
La Lettre du CEPII, N°281, September 2008
Houssein GuimbardMaria Priscila Ramos

On Tariff Cuts for "Green" Agricultural Products
XIIth Congress of the EAAE, 26-29 August 2008
Estelle Gozlan, Maria Priscila Ramos

L'ouverture agricole américaine et européenne : un enjeu pour le Sud ?
La Lettre du CEPII, N°277, April 2008
Christophe GouelMaria Priscila Ramos

American and European Agricultural Market Access: A Concern for The South?
La Lettre du CEPII, N°277, April 2008
Christophe GouelMaria Priscila Ramos

Shipping the Good Beef Out: EU Trade Liberalization to Mercosur Exports.
Maria Priscila RamosJean-Christophe Bureau, Luca Salvatici

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