CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
VIP Pass to Markets: When Customs Certification Helps Firms to Face NTMs

Charlotte Emlinger
Houssein Guimbard

 Points clés :
  • This paper aims to assess how the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification, a firm-level trade facilitation measure defined by the World Customs Organization, reduces the costs induced by non-tariff measures (NTMs).
  • Using French firm-level data (2008-2018), we show that the AEO status enhances trade, but only when facing NTMs in the destination market.
  • This confirms that some of the trade costs generated by NTMs are administrative in nature and can be reduced by pre-certifying firms.
  • This analysis supports the expansion of trade facilitation programs by certifying firms, as it favors trade without lowering product standards.

 Résumé :
This paper aims to assess how trade facilitation measures reduce the costs induced by non-tariff measures (NTMs). It focuses on the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification, a firm-level trade facilitation measure defined by the World Customs Organization. This status allows firms to benefit from customs simplifications at the border, reduced physical and document-based controls, and priority treatment. We use an original and exhaustive dataset of French firms certified as AEO by the European Customs, merged with firm level trade from the French Customs. Our empirical strategy is to compare the export structure of firms before and after their certification to see whether the impact of NTMs on trade can be reduced by trade facilitation measures. Our results show that the AEO status enhances trade, but only when facing NTMs in the destination market. This confirms that some of the trade costs generated by NTMs are administrative in nature and can be reduced by pre-certifying firms. Our conclusion is informative about the kind of trade cost reductions that could be achieved by trade agreements that go beyond tariff reductions, without hindering the level of actual regulation.

 Mots-clés : Trade Facilitation | Customs Certification | Non-tariff-Measures

 JEL : F14
CEPII Working Paper
N°2024-11, October 2024

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 Domaines d'expertise

Commerce & Mondialisation