CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Gilles Dufrénot

Research Associate

Economic Policy
Money & Finance
Emerging Countries



Tél. +33 (0)4 42 93 59 60


updated : June 16, 2021
En Grèce, les économistes ont-ils raison de douter?
Journal Le Monde, 18 September 2015
Gilles Dufrénot

Quelle présidence pour la Banque Africaine de Développement?
RFI, A, May 23,  2015
Gilles Dufrénot

La dette grecque de 2015 comme la dette allemande de 1953
Le Monde Éco & Entreprise, February 4,  2015
Gilles Dufrénot

La dette grecque 2015 comme la dette allemande de 1953
Journal Le Monde , 03 February 2015
Gilles Dufrénot

Reactions to shocks and Monetary Policy regimes: inflation targeting versus flexible currency board in Sub-Saharan Africa
Developing Economies, Forthcoming, 2015
Fadia Al Hajj, Gilles Dufrénot, Kimiko Sugimoto, Romain Wolf

Monetary policy switching in the euro area and multipleequilibria: an empirical investigation
Macroeconomic Dynamics, Forthcoming, 2015
Gilles Dufrénot, Anwar Khayat

Reactions to shocks and monetary policy regimes: inflation targeting versus flexible currency board in Sub-Saharan Africa
the Developing Economies, vol. 53(4), p.237-271, 2015
Fadia Al Hajj, Gilles Dufrénot, Kimiko Sugimoto, Romain Wolf

A comparison of the Fed's and ECB's strategies during the subprime crisis
In Monetary policy in the context of the financial crisis:new challenges and lessons, Emerald, 2015
Marcel Aloy, Gilles Dufrénot

The ECOWAS countries' growth rates: what makes them similar and what makes them different? A quantile regression analysis
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol. 36(3), p.345-365, 2015
Gilles Dufrénot, Hélène Ehrhart

Nonlinear effects of asset prices on fiscal policy : Evidence from the UK, Italy and Spain
Economic Modelling, vol. 44, p.358-362, 2015
Luca Agnello, Gilles Dufrénot, Ricardo Sousa

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