International Economics

<< N°150

Issue Q2 2017  
The role of financial conditions in transmitting external shocks to South Africa  
Thanda Sithole
Beatrice D. Simo-Kengne
Modeste Some
This paper analyses the spillover effects of external financial conditions to South Africa using quarterly domestic and international data from 1996Q1 to 2014Q4. First, principal component analysis and vector autoregressive model are utilized to build financial conditions indices for South Africa and its main trading partners, namely, China, Germany, the United States, Japan, the United King, Netherlands, Italy, France and Belgium. Consistently across both methodologies, the financial conditions indices obtained track each other fairly well and capture the 2008/09 global financial crisis. Second, a Global Vector Autoregressive model comprised of financial indices and other macroeconomic variables is implemented to assess how international financial shocks spillover into South Africa. Our findings show that a sudden tightening of the US financial conditions has a significant but short lived effect on the South Africa's real GDP growth while the spillover effects from other trading partners appear to be of negligible impact throughout the sample period. Abstract

Financial Conditions Index ; Global Vector Autoregressive model ; Spillover effects ; Keywords
C32 ; E32 ; F42 ; JEL classification
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