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Avril 2017        

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Europe Monnaie & Finance Commerce & Mondialisation Migrations Politique économique Economies émergentes Compétitivité & Croissance Environnement & Ressources Naturelles


Quelles conséquences ?

Les économistes du CEPII ont exploré le cas où la France quitterait la zone euro dans trois domaines: l'arsenal juridique et administratif, la compétitivité et le système bancaire.
La redénomination en francs des contrats en euros ne pourrait intervenir qu’au terme d’un long processus, serait partielle et entraînerait très probablement la mise en place de mesures de contrôle de capitaux. >>>
En matière de compétitivité, dire qu’un réalignement des parités en zone euro permettrait à la France d’exporter davantage est abusif. >>>
Un réalignement du taux de change réel français aurait un effet négatif sur les dettes des banques françaises car celles-ci ont une position nette débitrice en contrat international. >>>

  Faits & chiffres


This is the increase in global food demand for 2050 as projected by CEPII and INRA.
The main results of these projections are as follows:
global food demand will increase by 46%, less than half the growth in the previous four decades;
this growth will be attributable mainly to lower-middle-income and low-income countries;
the structure of global food demand will change over the period, with a 95% increase in demand for animal-based calories and a much smaller 18% increase in demand for starchy staples;
the analysis of a range of population and income projections reveals important uncertainties: depending on the scenario, the projected increases in demand for animal-based and vegetal-based calories range from 78 to 109% and from 20 to 42%, respectively.
Christophe Gouel & Houssein Guimbard



What impact of immigrants on firms’ productivity levels?

Despite numerous studies exploring how immigration affects local labour markets, there is limited evidence on the impact of immigrants on firms’ productivity levels. Using detailed, firm-level data from France, this column explores how firms react to an increase in the supply of immigrant workers.
Cristina Mitaritonna, Gianluca Orefice, Giovanni Peri


Winners and losers from globalization : who's who?

There is a large consensus in the economic literature suggesting the positive impact of globalization on the aggregate well-being of a country. However, a clear-cut conclusion has not been reached on winners and losers from globalization. For this reason, international trade is often accused of increasing wage inequality in both developing and developed countries. Recent CEPII research outputs, based on detailed French firm and worker-level data, confirm that identifying who lost and who gained with globalization is a very difficult task.
Matthieu Crozet & Gianluca Orefice


  Votre avis nous interesse
ISSN: 1255-7072
Directeur de publication : Antoine Bouët
Rédacteur en chef : Dominique Pianelli