Simplifier l'accès au marché chinois
L’accord de reconnaissance mutuelle des opérateurs économiques agréés entre la France et la Chine devrait favoriser les exportations de produits laitiers français. Les obstacles sont en effet nombreux pour que ces produits arrivent jusqu’aux consommateurs chinois.
Charlotte Emlinger, Jean Fouré >>>
- Food trade, Biodiversity Effects and Price Volatility
Cecilia Bellora, Jean-Marc Bourgeon
- How Multi-Destination Firms Shape the Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle
- Impact of European Food Safety Border Inspections on Agri-Food Exports: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Lionel Fontagné, Anne-Célia Disdier, Matthias Beestermöller
- The effect of local taxes on firm performance: evidence from geo referenced data
Federico Belotti, Edoardo di Porto, Gianluca Santoni
- Inter-industry relatedness and industrial-policy efficiency: Evidence from China's Export Processing Zones
Zhao Chen, Sandra Poncet, Ruixiang Xiong
- Exchange Rate Pass-through in Emerging Countries: Do the Inflation Environment, Monetary Policy Regime and Institutional Quality Matter?
Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
Climate Finance at COP21 and After
Finance has emerged in the last few years in and outside the Conference of the Parties (COP) process as a key ingredient of climate policy design. It also appears to be a key sector for structural reform in order to align it with the new low-carbon horizon. This policy brief, by Etienne Espagne, draws lessons from a discussion platform launched jointly by CEPII and France Stratégie in the four months leading to COP21 and analyzes three directions for future debates.
Faits & chiffres
China is one of the countries most affected by RASFF rejections
There is an increasing trend in rejections of Chinese shipments over time (with a dip in 2009 related to the crisis) suggesting a positive correlation between Chinese exports and Chinese rejections at the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) border. The strong increase in the number of rejections in 2008 might suggest that at the beginning of the 2008-2009 crisis, inspections and rejections were used potentially in a protectionist way, i.e. to protect European producers from Chinese competition.
Lionel Fontagné, Anne-Célia Disdier, Matthias Beestermöller >>>
Rester informé
ISSN: 1255-7072
Directeur de publication : Antoine Bouët
Rédacteur en chef : Dominique Pianelli