- Quality Screening and Trade Intermediaries: Evidence from China
Sandra Poncet, Meina Xu
- Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firm performance
Matthieu Crozet, Emmanuel Milet
- Oil currencies in the face of oil shocks: What can be learned from time-varying specifications?
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon, Tovonony Razafindrabe
- Immigration and the Gender Wage Gap
Anthony Edo, Farid Toubal
- Disaster Risk and Preference Shifts in a New Keynesian Model
Marlène Isoré, Urszula Szczerbowicz
- Changes in Migration Patterns and Remittances: Do Females and Skilled Migrants Remit More?
Maëlan Le Goff, Sara Salomone
- Market Size, Trade and Quality: Evidence from French Exporters
Silja Baller
- The Regime-switching volatility of Euro Area Business Cycles
Stéphane Lhuissier
- Do exporting firms benefit from retail internationalization? Evidence from France
Angela Cheptea, Charlotte Emlinger, Karine Latouche
Chine : quel nouveau régime de croissance ?
A l’occasion du 13ème plan quinquennal, les autorités ont réaffirmé que l’économie chinoise entrait dans une nouvelle étape de développement, avec une croissance plus modérée et équilibrée. La croissance sur la période 2016-2020 devrait être d’au moins 6,5% par an, en net ralentissement par rapport aux dix dernières années (10%). Déjà en 2015, elle est tombée en dessous de 7% selon les données officielles, en dessous de 6% selon certaines estimations.
Françoise Lemoine
Bases de données
French exporting firms benefit from retail internationalization
According to an original dataset of about 25,000 French agri-food firms from 2004 to 2011, French firms supplying retailers in the domestic market are more likely to export and export larger volumes than non-suppliers to markets where French retailers established outlets. These firms also have a different behavior in countries where French retailers close down their activities. These results highlight the trade cost advantage of retailers’ suppliers, who benefit from their preferential relationships with the globalized retail companies.
Angela Cheptea, Charlotte Emlinger & Karine Latouche >>>
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ISSN: 1255-7072
Directeur de publication : Antoine Bouët
Rédacteur en chef : Dominique Pianelli