China: what effect of trade liberalization on pollution?
Environmentalists and free trade advocates regularly clash on the environmental consequences of trade liberalization. China's insertion in international trade has been accompanied by an exacerbation of pollution problems. >>>
Sandra Poncet, José de Sousa , Laura Hering |
- Firm Level Allocative Inefficiency: Evidence from France
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
- Has trade openness reduced pollution in China?
José de Sousa, Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
- Atlantic versus Pacific Agreement in Agri-food Sectors: Does the Winner Take it All?
Anne Célia Disdier, Charlotte Emlinger, Jean Fouré
- Do Regional Trade Agreements Really Boost Trade? Estimates for Agricultural Products
Sébastien Jean, Jean-Christophe Bureau
- Variable Trade Costs, Composition Effects, and the Intensive Margin of Trade
Lionel Fontagné, Antoine Berthou
- From Micro to Macro: Demand, Supply, and Heterogeneity in the Trade Elasticity
Maria Bas, Thierry Mayer, Mathias Thoenig
- Does Exporting Improve Matching? Evidence from French Employer-Employee Data
Matilde Bombardini, Gianluca Orefice, Maria D. Tito
- Foreign Language Learning: An Econometric Analysis
Victor Ginsburgh, Jacques Melitz, Farid Toubal
A New Dollar Cycle?
The world is once again under threat of currency turmoil ignited by a vigorous appreciation of the dollar against all other cur rencies. This is the harbinger of another long cycle which has been the pattern of exchange rates since the fall of the Bretton Woods system in 1971. Because dollar cycles are driven by momentum dynamics disconnected from fundamentals, they are likely to distort real effective exchange rates between major currencies. The dollar appreciation phase may also wreak havoc in the financial systems of emerging countries that are heavily indebted in dollars.>>>
Michel Aglietta, Virginie Coudert
To Stay Informed
ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli