Risks and Opportunities for the EU Agri-food sector in a possible EU-US Trade Agreement
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is under negotiation. This report provides a detailed overview of EU - US agricultural trade. It analyses current barriers to trade, paying special attention to non - tariff measures. This information is then used in a computable general equilibrium model of international trade to assess the potential impact of the TTIP on agri-food exports, imports and value added. This study also includes a general discussion on the opportunities and risks of a TTIP for the EU agricultural sector.>>>
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Anne-Célia Disdier, Charlotte Emlinger, Gabriel Felbermayr, Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Sébastien Jean |
- Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Regimes and Credit Dynamics in Emerging Market Economies
Robin Boudias
- The cleansing effect of minimum wage : Minimum wage rules, firm dynamics and aggregate productivity in China
Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet, Tao Zhang
- International Trade and Firm-Level Markups when Location and Quality Matter
Flora Bellone, Patrick Musso, Lionel Nesta, Frederic Warzynski
- Offshoring and the Shortening of the Quality Ladder: Evidence from Danish Apparel
Valérie Smeets, Sharon Traiberman, Frederic Warzynski
- Migration and Regional Trade Agreement: a (new) Gravity Estimation
Gianluca Orefice, Luiz Lima, Erik Figueiredo
- Fragmenting global business processes: A protection for proprietary information
Julien Gooris, Carine Peeters
The delusion of State guarantees
European policymakers are currently busy addressing two issues: moribund investment and banks on extended sick leave. Some observers might be tempted to segregate these issues. While investment would be in the remit of States, the financial health of our economies would be under the responsibility of the ECB alone. >>>
Natacha Valla
Reforming the European Investment Bank: a New Architecture for Public Investment in Europe
Some five years after the severe recession of 2009, private sector investment in Europe is still dangerously sluggish. And public investment has been cut further, reinforcing a long term downward trend. At a mere 2% of GDP, it has halved over thirty years. >>>
Natacha Valla
To Stay Informed
ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli