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The CEPII Newsletter       
March 2019        

The French edition is slightly different as it also includes material available in French only  

Europe Monnaie & Finance Trade & Globalization Migrations Economic Policy Emerging Economies Competitivness & Growth Environment & Natural Ressources

Activism and Trade

The collapse of the Rana Plaza building affecting the textile industry in Bangladesh generated massive consumer mobilization against neglecting firms. We show a post-disaster decrease in imports for countries whose firms were directly involved in the Rana Plaza building. The effect has to be interpreted relatively to the evolution of imports of similar countries, however not linked to the collapsed Rana Plaza knitting factories. While aggregate imports from Bangladesh continue to increase during the whole period (2010-2016), there is a marked disruption that affects countries whose brands were named and shamed by activists and the media after the disaster. No such differential pattern is observed for non-textile goods. Our results are robust to a variety of checks.
Sandra Poncet & Pamina Koenig


A world more equal, but countries less so?

While at the end of the 1990’s, the debate around inequality worldwide was focused on the evolution of international inequality or inequality between countries, it has now shifted to the dynamics of within-country inequality. The purpose of this panorama is to overview changes in income inequalitiy over the last decades at different levels: inequality between countries, international inequality, global inequality and within-country inequality.
Isabelle Bensidoun & Grégoire Elkouby


ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli