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The CEPII Newsletter       
October 2018        

The French edition is slightly different as it also includes material available in French only  

Europe Monnaie & Finance Trade & Globalization Migrations Economic Policy Emerging Economies Competitivness & Growth Environment & Natural Ressources

Lifting the lid on the black box of informal trade in Africa

Official statistics do not reflect the reality of internal trade in Africa. Intra Africa trade seems low despite numerous regional trade agreements that have led to tariffs removal within the trading blocs. However, a large part of cross-border trade between African countries is informal. There are a host of shortcomings that limit trade: non-tariffs barriers, red tape and insufficient infrastructure. Tariff barriers remain high outside areas covered by the agreements. Enhancing trade integration between African countries could yield large economic gains. This idea motivated the latest initiative for integration, the continental free trade area.
Joachim Jarreau, Cristina Mitaritonna & Sami Bensassi


Contribution of EU banks to tax evasion

Eu Banks activity in tax havens is three times larger when  using new country-by-country regulatory data than what is predicted by the gravity model, and that British and German banks are particularly present in tax havens. Tax havens are estimated to concentrate 8% of global private financial wealth, reducing annual global tax revenues by about $200 billion.
Vincent Bouvatier, Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Anne-Laure Delatte




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ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli