Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Sophie Béreau & Valérie Mignon
, 2009.
"The Dollar in the Turmoil,"
CEPII Working Paper 2009-
, April 2009 , CEPII.
We study the impact of the global financial crisis on the equilibrium exchange rate of the US dollar. We first simulate the impact of the crisis on the US net foreign asset position. Then, we calculate the equilibrium value of the dollar according both to a BEER and to a FEER approach. We find the case for a strong, although temporary, depreciation of the dollar even more acute than before the crisis. This suggests that the strength of the dollar in late 2008 and early 2009 may be short-lived.
Equilibrium exchange rate ; US dollar ; Global imbalances ; Crisis ; Valuation effects