CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Environnement & Ressources Naturelles

376 document(s) : résultats 341 à 360
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Time to Act Now? Assessing the Costs of Delaying Climate Measures and Benefits of Early Action
Climatic Change, vol. 114(1), p.79-99, 2012
Stéphanie Monjon, Michael Jakob, Gunnar Luderer, Jan Steckel & Massimo Tavoni

Environmental policy and trade performance: Evidence from China
CEPII Working Paper, N°2011-30, décembre 2011
Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet

Air traffic energy efficiency differs from place to place: New results from a macro-level approach
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.151–177, Q2-3 2011
Benoît Chèze, Pascal Gastineau, Julien Chevallier

The impact of nonlinearities for carbon markets analyses
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.131-150, Q2-3 2011
Julien Chevallier

Price versus quantities in the coordination of international environmental policy
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.109-130, Q2-3 2011
Anna Creti, Maria-Eugenia Sanin

Environmental regulation in the presence of unrecorded economy
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.91–108, Q2-3 2011
Fatih Karanfil

Carbon Price Drivers: Phase I Versus Phase II Equilibrium?
CEPII Working Paper, N°2011-09, avril 2011
Anna Creti, Pierre-André Jouvet, Valérie Mignon

On the relationship between forward prices of crude oil and domestic fuel: A panel data cointegration approach
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.39–49, Q2-3 2011
Marc Joëts

Macro factors in oil futures returns
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.13–38, Q2-3 2011
Yannick Le Pen, Benoît Sévi

Recent developments on commodity, energy and carbon markets: an introduction
International Economics, Vol. 126-127, p.5–12, Q2-3 2011
Valérie Mignon

Addressing leakage in the EU ETS: Border adjustment or output-based allocation?
Ecological Economics, N°70, p.1957-1971, 2011
Stéphanie Monjon, Philippe Quirion

Which design of a border adjustment for the EU ETS? A quantitative evaluation.
Climate Policy, N°11:5, p.1212-1225, 2011
Stéphanie Monjon, Philippe Quirion

The factors that determine the carbon price: an econometric analysis
Tendances Carbone, N°62, 2011
Anna Creti, Pierre-André Jouvet, Valérie Mignon

The environment and directed technical change: a comment
FEEM Nota di Lavoro, 2011
Jean-Charles Hourcade, Antonin Pottier, Etienne Espagne

Carbon Emission Leakages: A General Equilibrium View
Economic Theory, 2011
Joaquim Oliveira Martins, J-M Burniaux

Carbon Tax and OPEC's Rent under a Ceiling Constraint
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, N°113, p.798-824, 2011
Rémy Dullieux, Lionel ragot, Katheline Schubert

On the link between forward energy prices: A nonlinear panel cointegration approach
Energy Economics, vol. 33, 2011
Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon

Limiter les émissions de gaz à effet de serre : le plus tôt sera le mieux
La Lettre du CEPII, N°306, décembre 2010
Stéphanie Monjon

Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions: the Sooner the Better
La Lettre du CEPII, N°306, décembre 2010
Stéphanie Monjon

Les impacts économiques du changement climatique : enjeux de modélisation
CEPII Working Paper, N°2009-36, décembre 2009
Pierre Besson, Nina Kousnetzoff

376 document(s) : résultats 341 à 360
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